Monday, April 11, 2011

GPA College Bound

When I saw my grade point average, I was a little bit disappointed. My goal was to have a 4.0 cumulative high school GPA. It is only the second semester of freshman year and I am already getting less than a 4.0 in one of my classes. Which is going to bring my overall GPA down from a 4.0. Even though I am only getting an A minus and I realize it is not the end of the world, I still feel like because it is only freshman year and I am already not doing as well as I would like to be, with three years to go I should make sure that I am always paying attention to where I am at with my grades. I should always be aware of so that as soon as I start to slip I will notice and get right back on track

I think that my next step is going to be narrowing in on my humanities assignments. I am going to try to get the best possible score that I can on every single assignment because I know that every point will help. I am hoping that before the year is over and my semester grade is final that I will have gotten my grade up to a solid A, however if that is not the case I still have back-up plans. I not too concerned with this grade because I know that further down the road I will be given the chance to take honors classes. I am happy to know that if my GPA is not where I would like it to be by the time that opportunity is presented I will still have a chance to increase my GPA then. But I also know that I should not drift without trying and rely on honors, as I know that the material will be very difficult and I will have to be very focused to earn the benefits that taking honors classes would give me.

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